比较你所有的抵押贷款选择似乎是压倒性的, 尤其是考虑到价格和什么对你和你的家人最好. 你可能听说过可调利率抵押贷款(ARM),并想知道它们是什么以及它们如何能够帮助你. 继续阅读,了解这些与传统固定利率抵押贷款的比较,以及在寻找合适的抵押贷款时应该考虑什么.

What is an ARM?

在我们讨论主要区别之前,我们需要知道ARM是什么. ARM是一种利率根据市场情况随时间调整的抵押贷款. ARMs will start with a lower interest rate, however, after an initial time frame, the rate will start to change. 您的利率何时开始调整取决于您获得的ARM类型. For example, a 7/6 ARM will have a set interest rate for the first 7 years; after that, the rate can adjust every six months. 可调利率抵押贷款确实有固定的时间间隔,以防止你的利率一次全部调整,并为最高利率设定上限. *Arbor Financial offers 3/6, 5/6, and 7/6 ARMs.


ARM和固定利率抵押贷款的主要区别在于利率调整. 与ARM相比,固定利率抵押贷款在贷款期限内具有相同的利率, which will adjust after a set amount of time. 有一个固定的利率可以帮助房主进行长期预算. An ARM also starts at a lower rate than traditional mortgages; this can be helpful if you are looking to pay down the principal more quickly. 如果利率确实下降,ARM可以帮助你利用较低的利率,而不需要再融资.

Questions You May Want to Ask When Considering an ARM:

  • How long do you plan to live in your home?
  • 你们的利率多久会调整一次,初始利率会持续多久?
  • 你还能负担得起贷款上限的还款吗?
  • 对你来说,较低的首付款还是固定的长期付款更重要?

找出最适合你的选择可能是一种有压力的经历. Our friendly, 知识渊博的抵押贷款专家可以减轻抵押贷款的压力,并帮助您找到最佳选择. Speak to a mortgage specialist!

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*Subject to underwriting and credit approval. Other restrictions may apply. Not all applicants will qualify. 计划、费率、条款和条件如有变更,恕不另行通知.

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